
Anand Manikutty's Biographical Information AND free Life Coaching Advice (now, with pseudocode!)

Below is Anand Manikutty's time-tested approach to Solving All Problems That Life Will Throw At You. Psuedocode is provided here in Python. Pseudocode is also available in C, C++ and Java, but if you don't know Python, our sincere advice is for you to learn this wonderful language. Don't worry - it does not bite. :-) Below is also Anand Manikutty's biographical information. (Scroll down below for a list of representative publications in computer science as well as his publications in other fields.) However, we are not quite sure how that will actually help you. Linked here is his About.Me page: This page has been created as a link back for his Twitter feed. Here is the link to his Twitter feed: We are not sure how this will help you either. What will help you is the pseudocode below. The pseudo-code on Solving All Your Life's Problems will definitely help you at least understand how you could hav

Anand Manikutty's Books

 Here are the cover pages of the two books I have written so far this year. I have contributed to other books in the past. I wrote the first book back in June and the second book is nearly complete and it is now December. I am looking forward to taking a break from writing for some time. A Book of Poetry Written in Seven Hours for India & America I, A.I.

Anand's Second Book - Back Cover (Proposed)

Here's some text composed with the help of an A.I. -+- In a desperate attempt not to be taken to be merely another "pretty face" and tired of the label "the Indian Leonardo Di Caprio", Anand Manikutty has come out with a second book of poetry. In this book, or his upcoming third book, he may, potentially, discuss among other things, his secret on how he almost got to talk to Jennifer Lawrence, how he came within three feet of Clint Eastwood once, and how his first crush was Laura Dern in Jurassic Park. What he has done in this book is to upstage the estimable Indologist Wendy Doniger, who is possibly really a Martian. No other explanation will suffice as to how she came to write a book called "The Hindus: An Alternate History". This Martian Hypothesis is not discussed in this book, but "potentially will be" a "later" book of poetry.  Maybe you have come not to be floored by an Awesome Book on Indology, but about How To Talk To Anybo

The difference between Anand and Indiana Jones

What's the difference between Anand Manikutty and Indian Jones? Anand is an Indologist but Indiana Jones is not a Manixologist. -+- Joke courtesy Mjolnir. Mjolnir, an A.I. good enough for every last crusade!

A.I. against trolling

 I have developed some Artificial Intelligence software which I use extensively to combat trolls. Different versions have been called Mjolnir, System II and so forth.

Collection of A.I. Poems

A collection of my poems written with the help of A.I. is hosted at:

Anand Manikutty's Collaborators

Engineering research is a highly collaborative effort. And this is true for research, in general, as well, of course. Below is a partial list of my collaborators in Computer Science and Business/Management research. [Work In Progress]